Orbis Institute (Slovakia) is a non-government non-profit organization focused on education and development of one’s personality. It helps individuals to find new sources for their further personal growth and understanding of their role in the society. The institute´s goal is to facilitate for its members and participants the skill development in the field of communication, leadership and teamwork and also encourages them in creativity, volunteering, critical thinking and other skills required by the labour market.
Contact person: Peter Kozelnicky
Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Misericordia (Spain) is a Vocational education high school and a state centre depending on the Valencia Ministry of
Education. CIPFPM is the biggest vocational high school in the region with almost 3,000 students and 185 full-time teachers. Pupils can study vocational studies of the following
professional branches: Business administration, Secretarial studies, Commerce, Marketing, Electronics and Socio cultural services.
Contact person: Miguel Vidal
Método Estudios Consultores SLU (Spain) is a Spanish-based international consulting company focused on advanced services in training, social-labour research, technology and social projects with 18 years of experience. Currently, Método’s team reunites the best experts in the field, with specialists who have an important contribution in building the long-term success of the company’s clients by adding their know-how in the developed projects.
Contact person: Eduardo Sánchez
Uniâo das Freguesías de Gondomar (SCosme), Valbom e Jovim (Portugal); as a public entity, the Institution has many competences established by the government and developed a lot of projects related with entrepreneurship, employment, training, non formal education for all citizens – children, youngsters, adults and seniors, also on social inclusion, active ageing, disadvantage people, several projects related with local and national
volunteering projects,
Social Coorporative Enterprose of Cyclades- Altera Vita (Greece) In Koin.S.Ep. Cyclades – ALTERA VITA, we participate as active citizens, who are active in the social affairs of the Cyclades through collective actions through local networks that have been developed, through our positions of responsibility we have in these processes.
ALTERA VITA is a scientific research centre and implements education and awareness programs, working with volunteers in the areas of Environment and Culture and Social
Intervention programs at the community level.
ALTERA VITA provides training to specialists who offer services in mental health and other health professionals, educators, managers etc., as well as parents and couples.
Contact person: Miltiadis Sakellariou
JU Srednja ekonomsko-ugostiteljska škola Bar (Montenegro) is the youngest public high school in Montenegro founded in 2003. All the teachers and the management of the school believes in individualistic approach to students, in project based learning and in
prolific cooperation with local community as well as with international organisations representing different sectors (from NGO-s to embassies). Our students are given a plenty of opportunities to express their miscellaneous talents in a range of extra curricular activities such as various international and national projects related to Entrepreneurship, Business Plans Creation, Ecology, Tourism, Radio broadcast show, School Theatre, Volunteers’ Club, Debate Club, study visits, competitions etc.
Contact person: Aleksandar Vukazic
Tarsus Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasi (Turkey) has been established in 1879. It supports the developement and improvement of Tarsus province. The role of the Tarsus Chamber of
Commerce and Industry is to create and develop business, commerce and industry within Tarsus and its greater surrounding area. The Chamber is committed to providing quality
services and creating opportunities for success for its member businesses. To achieve this, TTSO focuses on networking businesses through our member base, providing training
member businesses, providing opportunities for business member discounts, and striving to create new and innovative initiatives to revitalize and benefit both the businesses and
community residents of Tarsus
Contact person: Rasim SARI